Post by Meeku the son of KrishanPost by Meeku the son of KrishanPost by Meeku the son of KrishanPost by Meeku the son of KrishanPost by Meeku the son of KrishanPost by Meeku the son of KrishanPost by Meeku the son of KrishanPost by Meeku the son of KrishanNOTICE
Is Soon Arriving
Prabhupada (Hare कrishna Founder) signaled automated initiations via diecasted
Tram Modeling in November 1977 however this order has not been followed by the
usurpers(thieves). The time that has elapsed since the usurpers (thieves) in
Hare कrishna Movement removed the Hare कrishna Founder: His Divine Grace A C
Bhaकtivedanta Swami Prabhupada from spiritually being the initiating spiritual
(calculated to February 4 2014)
47years 6months 28days
43years 6months 7days
36years 8months 7days
36yeajavascript:PostMessage()rs 8months
36years 6months 26days
36years 2months 21days
Price paid to a registrar was a premium (GB Pounds £102 approx) in order to
register through the registry's 'Early Access Program' (Day 7) or 'Landrush'
phase (domain suffix launch lingo) of the .guru domain suffix launch before
.guru domain suffix became 'General Availability' status or 'Go Live' phase
(domain suffix launch lingo) some time tomorrow 5th February.
I am in England and I had read about the new internet domain suffix: dot guru
(.guru) from the internet authority's (ICANN) internet site in 2012 after my
readings about the expansion of the generic top-level domain (gTLD) name system
reported in the internet media. I thus wanted to find out about the launch date
for dot guru (.guru) and read from an internet site in November 2013 about the
registry for dot guru (.guru) signing up registrars (domain name selling
companies). I copy/pasted and saved what I had read on to my PC and every time
I started the PC this saved computer file was a reminder for me to follow up on
registering this internet domain.
All Right Reserved Worldwide.
I frequently went to the registrars (domain name selling companies) internet
sites, particularly those ones the dot guru (.guru) registry had accredited. I
also signed up for email alerts with them about launch dates for new domain name
suffixes so as to get information about dot guru (.guru) launch. There were
some registrars who were boldly promoting the expansion of the generic top-level
domain (gTLD) name system on their internet sites and saw the prices were really
high, thousands of U.S. Dollars and British Pounds, for the 'Early Access
Program' or 'Landrush'phase (domain suffix launch lingo) especially the early
I had thought about 'pre-registration' for the dot guru (.guru) internet domain
name some of the registrars were offering thus allowing a particular dot guru
(.guru) internet domain name registration application to be ahead in the queue
during 'General Availability' status or 'Go Live' (domain suffix launch lingo)
start time when many dot guru (.guru) applicants would be manually or through
also the automated 'pre-registration' would be trying to register dot guru (.dot
guru) internet domain names. I did not particularly want to sign-up for
pre-registration and then soon after the 'General Availability' status or 'Go
Live' start time find out someone else had beaten my dot guru (.guru)
application. The registrars have / were emailing their internet domain name
customers about the arrival of the new internet domain suffixes, for example,
dot guru (.guru) and expecting them to register names in the new internet
domain name suffixes, so there were probably already multiple pre-registration
applications for the same dot guru (.guru) internet domain name and those dot
guru (.guru) applicants who had applied first would be ahead in the
pre-registration queue or some registrars who had multiple dot guru (.guru)
pre-registration applicants for the same dot guru (.guru) internet domain name
might start an auction afterwards between the applicants.
There was one huge registrar in America I phoned from England to complain
because when I tried to pre-register as an experiment any other dot guru (.guru)
to see the price I would get charged, if the internet domain name was available
- the price was lower and when I tried to pre-register this dot guru (.guru)
internet domain name I wanted, the price was higher and this made me feel there
were probably multiple pre-registration applicants in this registrar's system or
overall registry's system for the same domain name.
I got the idea for the headline to this Usenet post,'NOTICE', from a handwritten
notice Prabhupada wrote dated November 25, 1966 in NYC, addressed to "All
initiated devotees" with "must", "Must not", "forbidden", "Must be", "Should
not", "nor" and "Should always" regulations.
All Right Reserved Worldwide.
There are some rascal racist persons on who are spreading lies and wanting to cut my Usenet posting using some cheating excuses to give to my Usenet posting provider. Also on there are some racist persons hiding my posting using Google groups software.
.Guru rockets to over 10,000 domain names
BY Andrew Allemann - Feb 05, 2014 2014/ 02/ 05/ guru-rockets-to-over-10000-domain-names/
.Guru tops 10,000 domain name registrations and Donuts now has around 25,000 registered second level domain names.
People placed a lot of pre-orders for new top level domain names…
On the first day of general availability, the .guru namespace grew to over 12,000 domain names, based on zone files published this evening.
At over 10,000 strings second level domains, they pretty much cover the spectrum. And yes, some trademarks were registered by people other than the trademark holders.
1. .Guru 12,400
2. .Bike 3,700
3. .Clothing 2,850
4. .Singles 2,000
5. .Ventures 1,650
6. .Plumbing 1,050
7. .Holdings 950
19,000 new gTLD domain names registered in the first hours of general availability – .guru is the winner
Posted on February 6, 2014 by Konstantinos Zournas 2014/ 02/ 06/ news/ 19000-new-gtld-domain-names-registered-in-the-first-hours-of-general- availability-guru-is-the-winner/
.holdings, .ventures, .singles, .plumbing, .bike, .guru, .clothing
About 19,000 new gTLD domain names were registered in the first few hours of general availability. .guru is the clear winner with about 9,500 new registrations.
This is the day that the pre-registrations kicked in and domains were available on a first-come, first-served basis.
(Registrations Yesterday -> Registrations Today)
2890 -> 12435
483 -> 3751
1016 -> 2866
340 -> 2083
387 -> 1685
232 -> 1099
328 -> 975
5676 -> 24894
.Guru is the clear winner of the 7 because it is more diverse than the other 6. Also it seems that there are not a lot of “holdings” and “plumbing” companies in search of a new domain name.
(We got the data from zone files of the 7 new gTLDs. The numbers are not exact or final and include the last few hours before general availability (the Early Access Program (EAP) pricing) where domains were sold for about $175. Also domain names without nameservers don’t get listed in zone files.)
First eight gTLDs have 26,000 names so far
Kevin Murphy, February 6, 2014, 08:14:20 (UTC)
Together, these 15 gTLDs have 26,199 registrations so far, based on the names active in their zone files today. The eight fully live gTLDs have 25,575, almost half of which belong to Donuts’ .guru. ...
The zone files are generated at about 0100 UTC and therefore do not represent the full first day of Donuts newly-GA gTLDs, but it’s clear that .guru is the domainer’s favorite so far.....
Some person in Usenet group argues and says this posting is not related to this aforementioned group. Because Dylan positioned himself as an 'alternative philosophical' and counter-culture musician in his career and affected many people at a time when also eastern spiritual philosophy started to be distributed in the Western countries, then this posting is related to the aforementioned group. Dylan should not be seen in isolation only. The Google groups software is probably independent of the other Usenet services, hence, if some racist people on are hiding my posting on Google groups - they are using Google groups software. Rec,music.dylan Usenet groups has become a 'Police State' group.
Here is a posting about the recent new dot-guru (.guru) domain suffix starting to show in internet search engine results and dot-guru or the suffix affecting internet search engine results amongst other things.
"Very Early Days of New gTLD – .GURU
A fifth one,, has a completed home page, but all the content there points to the main site, which was a domain, so I do not consider that as a built-out domain. The other 17 domains are either just domain registrar parking pages or a “more to come” type of page.
1) How big brands decide to use it.
2) Whether it gains traction on the search engines, especially Google.
We will not know much about the first point until much later, as most brands who applied for their own gTLD no doubt are taking their time and just waiting to see what someone else does first. My guess is that we probably won’t see anything there until towards the end of 2014. #12 for “pregnancy guru” #18 for “robot guru” Not in the top 100 for “sql guru” Not in the top 100 for “analytics guru”
By virtue of two of the domains showing up in page 2, it seems that the presence of the words in the domain name, both to the left of the dot and to the right of the dot, help in the rankings. This suggests that there may be an SEO play in the new gTLD space.
I also checked Bing to see how many .guru domains it has indexed, and found that it has indexed only one such domain. This is not too much of a surprise because Bing’s ability to discover new content is slower than Google."
The way the dot-guru (.guru) internet domain name extension is being sold by domain selling companies (registrars) to the world:
1. Enom: This registrar (domain selling company) is selling dot-guru (,guru) domain suffix in a general way, not only a named person could have dot-guru (.guru) - any name business or organization could also. Also it perceives .guru as being off-beat and an adviser on anything - thus opening .guru to non-traditional usage i.e. material and not only spirituality.
2. European Domain Centre: This registrar (domain selling company) also sells .guru in a general way, though it focuses more on expertise rather than advice role, saying business is about expertise. There is call for Western material exploitation, thus there are 'fans' and 'followers'. It also gives idea to business and organizations to exploit their expertise by jointly allowing staff to blog about their expertise. It further says conferences - a joint process, could also be positioned as 'guru process' for selling and communication.
3. Netim: This particular registrar (domain selling company) targets not the adviser or expert to use dot-guru (.guru) domain suffix and instead for material exploitation by professionals in general to use.
4. Webnames: This registrar (domain selling company) focuses on using dot-guru (.guru) domain suffix use by targeting individual experts made by peer and also self-proclaimed experts to both exploit the suffix for their material fields and interests and thereby to allow easier searching.
5. 123-reg: This registrar (domain selling company) says not only experts could use dot-guru (.guru) domain suffix, anyone sharing information with those needing could also use dot-guru (.guru). Just as some other registrars sells the .guru domain extension by gives examples about whole field and areas (training, social media etc) to register and not only personal individual names before they are registered by others. It also gives ideas to businesses etc to use this suffix thereby allowing use in a non-traditional way.
6. Name: This registrar (domain selling company) sells dot-guru (.guru) suffix also to experts and advisers, opening the suffix to anyone and for both traditional spiritual and Western material exploitation use. Both non-profit and for-profit use.
7. Instra: The selling approach by this registrar (domain selling company) is say dot-guru (.guru) is for the leader as a person-coach or brand and is not meant for the follower.
8. United Domains: This particular registrar (domain selling company) is quite bold in comparison to others. It targets only the sole proprietors in all trades to use the dot-guru (.guru) domain extension for material exploitation use to thereby gather attention and to be seen as being approachable. It also stresses on quality just as most other .guru registrars are doing as a way to sell.
Quotes from the registrars:
1. Enom:
".GURU is one of the off-beat TLDs, which opens the door to fun and creative usage. .GURU is perfect for anyone who gives advice on any topic .... diy.GURU, or fixit.GURU are all possibilities. For the more traditional meaning, this extension can also be used for spiritual and meditative sites, like findyourcenter.GURU. Whatever the use, .GURU is meant as a flexible space to enable individuals, businesses, and organizations with a unique flair to be their own gurus of .GURU."
"Popular Domains"
2. European Domain Centre:
".GURU – You want to be seen as an expert in your field?
Do you aspire to become a recognized expert in your field? On one hand it requires thousands of hours of learning and practice, but secondly, it requires BRANDING. It demands that you have a platform from where visitors (future fans) can check out your content and profile. The new .GURU domain name will give you the cutting edge digital identity to make you stand out. ....communicates clearly, what your website is about, and that you are the expert.
What is a “guru”?
Historically a guru is a teacher or master coming from Indian religions. Today a guru is an expert in a general field whether this is marketing, beauty tips, self help etc. The word is so integrated in our language today that you can find requests on job boards such as “SEO guru needed” or someone is referred to as a “financial guru”.
How to position yourself as an expert?
If you still haven’t exploited your valuable knowledge, then there are many great links to become a guru in your field. These websites can give you some inspiration:
4 Easy Ways To Become An Expert In Your Field
How To Become a Guru
Can my company use a .guru domain name?
Yes. Today business is all about branding yourselves as the experts. While you surely have a great product to offer, it all starts by showing that you have the expertise to help out potential clients. Do you have leading in house experts in specific business areas? Do you let them speak on your website? While surely a corporate blog can show that you have expertise, however the .guru is a great domain to use for expert blogs by some of your leading co-workers.
Planning to do a conference? Why not use .guru instead of .com for this marketing initiative? You should do what you can to stand out, and the .guru domain name will bring you a first mover effect....." guru-you-want-to-be-seen-as-an-expert-in-your-field/
3. Netim:
".GURU domain name
This new gTLD is dedicated to professionals who wants to highlight their skills in a particular field, like,, etc."
4. Webnames:
"What is the .guru generic Top Level Domain Extension?
We hear the word guru all the time; from marketing gurus to yoga gurus, the word guru has grown into a popular term to denote expertise in a particular field.
Prior to the gTLD launch, connecting and finding field experts can be difficult. Individuals would often have to do a comprehensive search to connect with the expert of their choice. The same case applies to the self-proclaimed gurus. .coms and .nets are just too general and these domains didn't really do anything to help your website standout.
With the .guru domain extension, industry experts can now create their own personal website and use a .guru gTLD to show off their expertise. Are you a WordPress expert? Then might be the domain for you. Are you a marketing guru? Then show off your expertise with a blog under a domain name.
With the flexibility and diversity offered by the new gTLDs, the .guru domain can help you and your business identify yourselves as industry experts." domain-registration/ register-GURU-domain-names/ default.aspx
5. 123-reg:
"Register .guru domains now and prove you're an expert in your field
Do you consider yourself an expert in your field and want everyone else to know it? Do you like sharing knowledge and tips to novices and people needing help and advice? We have just the perfect domain for you - .guru. It's a fun and creative extension and it's newly launched on 123-reg which means you need to hurry and order your favourite web address now before all the cool ones are taken.
What is a .guru?
.guru gTLDs are an attractive and useful extension that enable experts to share their knowledge with the world and reach their audience easier. At the same time, professionals are able to enjoy a distinctive, more relevant web address that makes it easier for a specific audience to find them on the Internet. So, if you have extensive knowledge of social media, the web or anything else, why not register,, or instead of a generic .com or .biz?
There are no registration restrictions for this gTLD which means anyone can order .guru domains and share their knowledge with the world.
Why buy .guru domains?
These new gTLDs open the door to so many fun and creative naming possibilities. .guru makes the ideal extension for anyone who loves giving advice and sharing knowledge on any topic out there from blogging and web design to cooking, home repair and anything else you're good at.
.guru can also be a great extension for spiritual and meditative sites such as,, Whatever the use, this new gTLD was created as a flexible space that enables professionals, businesses and organisation with experience in their fields to teach and inspire people seeking for advice.
So, if you enjoy giving advice, sharing do-it-yourself tips or giving solutions that can help fix people's problems, then a .guru gTLD might be perfect for you. If you own a business, you can easily use your .guru domain name as an extension of your main website and create a self-help space for your customers. Use it to give them advice or tips and tricks about anything related to your business, products and services.
Grab your favourite .guru gTLDs today!
Now you can get your hands on your own exciting new .guru domain names on 123-reg. But to make sure no else snatches your fantastic web addresses before you do, you need to act fast. So, search for your .guru domains and order your favourite ones now.
Find your perfect .guru domain now"
6. Name:
"Show your expertise with .guru
.GURU is an off-beat TLD that opens the door to fun and creative usage. It’s perfect for anyone who gives advice on any topic – dating.GURU, diy.GURU, or fixit.GURU are all possibilities.
For the more traditional meaning, this extension can also be used for spiritual and meditative sites, like findyourcenter.GURU.
GURU is meant as a flexible space to enable individuals, businesses, and organizations with a unique flair to be their own gurus of .GURU."
7. Instra:
".GURU Domain Information
Are you a web guru? An ace tennis coach? Does your brand lead your field? Whatever your area of focus, they say you never truly know something until you teach it. Now is your chance to show the web the depth of our knowledge by being the .guru of your field. ....will surely be one of the most hotly contested .... If you are a leader in any field – or want to be - ....before someone else gets it, or find yourself following the pack.
Are you a leader, or a follower? Prove it by ordering your .guru domain name now! You only have one chance – don’t miss out!" en/ domain-names/ newgtld/ guru-domain-registration/ guru
8. United Domains:
".guru ...
There are all kinds of experts out there on the Internet, and making an impression is crucial to attract the traffic you need to succeed. Register .GURU and stand above the rest today.
Unleash the .GURU in You
Being Their Own Boss
You can be a professional, or a master or an expert, but it takes something extra special to be called a guru.
It's easy to see why someone would get into a sole proprietorship. For one thing, in a dynamic global economy, a staff of one is flexible and maneuverable; able to roll with the punches of a volatile market. For another, it takes a meager amount of capital to start up and maintain. And perhaps most importantly, it allows you to put a personal touch on your services. But in an increasingly competitive marketplace in which more and more people are pursuing sole proprietorships (and what's more, marketing themselves online exclusively), it's important to make a compelling first impression in order to attract attention and stand out.
That's where the .GURU domain can be such an asset to all individual upstarts out there; stressing equal parts mastery and lightheartedness, it's a terrific domain for making an impression while sending clear message: I'm good, but I'm also approachable. Whether you're an SEO expert, a machinist or a professional flower arranger, .GURU adds instant value to your domain name, and therefore your services, just by being used as a domain extension.
Ace of All Trades
.GURU works for hobbyists and bloggers as well. Artists and handymen looking to show off their work (and perhaps to boast about it as well) can find something uniquely valuable in .GURU that simply isn't available anywhere else. Similarly, anyone who uses the Internet as a teaching tool through the use of videos or instructional blog posts can leverage the .GURU extension to terrific effect. If you're a pro, then .GURU works for what you do."